Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Time Period

News From Here and Afar
Altmann, Gerd. "News Headlines Newsletter Information Read Paper" 5/4/2011 via pixabay. Public Domain

Local News
National News
Global News

Prior to the Stuxnet attack, the main issue that was going on was that Iran was working on nuclear research. They said that it was solely for energy, but many nations believed it was for weapons. One nation close to Iran, Israel -- which is also an ally to the U.S. -- was scared. They were scared because they believed that these nuclear weapons would be used against them. They needed to act. However, the U.S. did not want to directly attack Iran.

Moving forward, after the Stuxnet attack, Iran reported that it had failed to damage their nuclear capacities. This was later proven false.

National news prior to the attack were reporting over how the U.S. would react over this threat. Obama was under close watch for his decisions regarding Iran.

The first global news story reported on the situation with Iran and how it affects the rest of the world. The second one reported over how Stuxnet had affected Iran and how the worm had began to spread.

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