Sunday, March 27, 2016

Editorial Review 2

 The more change the merrier right? Hopefully I don't change this so much that it ends up affecting my grade in a negative way!

Selection from Rough Cut
 Good moorning ..or evening or midday depending on your current position!
My name is rigoberto avila from the university of arizona and in this podcast series, we will be diving into a rhetorical analysis of writing in the computer engineering  field. *plays some music*I am a student at the University of Arizona in the sunny city of tucson!
Selection for Re-edited Version
In this podcast series, we will be diving into a rhetorical analysis of writing in the computer engineering  field. This is rigoberto avila from the university of arizona and welcome *plays some music*

Audience Questions
1. How did the content change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?

    As you can see here from some of the scratched of statements, you can easily see where the edits were made. First of, I streamlined what I was saying. Secondly, I went with the stinger approach to better acquire interest from my audience. 

2. How did the form change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?

    The form improved with the addition of the stinger. I think that it also adds to better credibility on my part by making it more mature and not as childish with the whole "Good morning or what ever, where ever you are." It also sets a better tone for the rest of the podcast.  

Editorial Report 1

 Change is great! Especially when it results in you getting a better grade! Here is one major change that my podcast script underwent.

 Original Selection from Rough Cut

Very serious tone with the occasional breaks of humor (“creators were on drugs”)
Trying to convey his own feeling during the investigations on the topic to the audience
Intensive labor and the sense of urgency (“dont know what it does but we need to find soon!”)

 Selection from Re-edited Selection:

Langner further pushes his credibilty by his ability to easily explain all the diagrams that he puts up on the screen. For example, listen to this clip: 0:40
Langner also puts foward the notion that he put countless hours of labor into this investigation: 5:50
Througout the presentation, I also get the feeling that he sometimes has to struggle with not getting to technical for the audience since this presentation is intended for a broaded audience. There is a moment where he starts talking about the code of stuxnets and starts to get very technical. 4:00

Audience Questions

1. How did the content change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?

     This did not even exist! That is how much of a change occurred. It was a complete overhaul.  This originally was a series of ethos appeals that was somewhat extensive. However, what I decided to do here is narrow it down, give examples from my genre, and explain even more.

2. How did the form change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?

     The form in my podcast changed with this because it made it more dynamic. This section of podcast lacked some of the dynamics from other sections, but the addition of multiple clips from this presentation boosted it up there with the others.

Reflections on a Project (Hopefully) well done

 Round Two is all but history now... or well until I see my grades... and I am still kicking which is great. I feel good and I think this one will turn out better than the first.

1. What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
    I think my major success what just my overhaul of my script. My original one seemed to be a bit more broad and it wasn't using all the resources at hand efficiently. For example, I narrowed most of my examples from the genres from over 5 to no more than 3.
2. What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
     I think that my main challenge was figuring out how to use my co host. Once I did, I felt like it was almost to creepy for the audiences. I decided not to use Cortana for the rest of the podcasts because of that. I just really do not know how my audience would react to her. She was also a last minute addition that was not present on my rough cut. 

3. How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?
    Well next week we start a new project. With that, we have new challenges. However, my time management is really improving so I'll have that to take into this next project

4. How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?
    I think that I will get a better grade on this project. I feel like it is highly informative, dynamic, and I had all of the conventions for a good podcast. The only thing that might hold me back is my own voice and my audio editing skills. 

Peer Review for Ben Barnet

Reviewing, revising, and reviewing will make or break a project. The slightest errors that are left my not be much to the writer, but they sure do amplify when being read.

Audience Question: How did you practice your editorial skills this week in peer review?
Well, in peer review I was able to communicate with multiple people about a project. This helped out because I was able to see things that I may have missed or not looked over. The stuff that I may have missed were looked over in the second project that I had reviewed.

Name: Ben Barnett
Title: Analysis of Rhetoric in Chemical Engineering
Link to Project:
Review Activity: I choose "Make a Recommendation about Form." Basically, I was looking on how well this genre fits the profile of a video essay.

Making it better: I think that tone of voice is one of the most important things that you can use in a video essay. Well its also important on how you act, but Ben decided not to appear in the video which is not a bad thing at all

Incorporation: Most course materials agree that voice and tone used is really important. A monotonic voice is less likely to have the same effect a dynamic voice would have

Learning from the Work: The use of Ben's interviews really inspired me to do something similar in my podcasts. I think that the effect transition from him talking to his interviewee talking really made his video. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

 As the final deadline is upon us, I realize that there is deed that Have gone undone, questions that have gone unanswered. It is time for me to get rid of all of these loose ends...

Explain, with some specificity, your thoughts and feelings about the following:
  • Key information about your particular project that you would like anyone who peer reviews your draft to know

    One key thing that my peer reviewers should is that I had a sudden change of heart for my format. I think that I should have 4 instead of 3 sections. However, the reason that I have two right now was because my conclusion was a lot shorter than expected. I do have ideas on how to expand it though, which I will begin working on promptly.

  • Major issues or weaknesses in the “Rough Cut” that you’re already aware of (as well as anything you’d like to know from your editors about those weaknesses)

    My major issue I think is that I something was talking too fast in the podcast. The way I see it, I can redo it to talk slower, or use some of Audocity's effects to slow me down. Another weakness is that my transitions began to slack towards the end. 

    I think a major strength was my introduction. I thought that it  was a real swell made attention grabber that would make anyone want to continue listening to my podcasts. Another strength is in my method of engaging the audiences. Nonetheless, I feel like I should include more of this.  
  • Major virtues or strengths in the “Rough Cut” that you’re already aware of (as well as anything you’d like to know from your editors about those strengths).

 I think a major strength was my introduction. I thought that it  was a real swell made attention grabber that would make anyone want to continue listening to my podcasts. Another strength is in my method of engaging the audiences. Nonetheless, I feel like I should include more of this.

AND after all of that, I present to you, podcast 1 and podcast 2, with two sequels coming soon. 
AND just in case, here is my script

Reflections on a Podcastless Break

 This week was truly a curve ball for me. I had been doing pretty well with staying up to date and getting ahead with the deadlines, but then my brain decided to go on break a week too early.

1. What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
    Once major success was that I was able to develop a pretty strong outline and script for my podcast. The script I think is entertaining and lengthy enough for my podcast. Another major success was that I picked up Audocity, an open source audio editing software really quick. This was the primary software that I used for making my podcasts

2. What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
     One major challenge was spring break. It through me off real bad. The evidence here is that I am now trying to catch up on the work at 4 in the morning. Aside from that, I thing another thing that went wrong was that towards the end of my second podcast, I decided that maybe I should divide it in four sections. However, this would mean that I would need to redo my other two podcast. I think it will be a good move to do so

3. How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?
     I think that this upcoming week, I am going to have to work twice as hard to make up for lost time. If I end up working twice as hard, I should be able to pull it off. 

4. How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?
     Not as good as  I did when I first started the project. However, I now feel like I have more motivation than ever to get this project done and to get it done right. It will be tough, but I am always up for a challenge. 

Production Report Part 2

So the part that I decide to use her was just a bit further down the line from my introduction in my outline, but in my second podcast. I feel like this boost my credibility in regard to this particular genre.

Audience Questions
1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?
      This part of the podcast feature somewhat of a question response type deal with the audience and interviewees that I carried throughout the rest of the podcasts. I feel like this is important because the use of the interviewees boosts my credibility and also gets my audience more engaged in my podcasts.

2. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?
      The only major issue I had with the production of this was that I could not really figure out how to use Audocity to merge two separate audio files into one. However, once I figured that out, the rest was a breeze.

Outline Item
  • Introduction of Technical report
  • Questions to one of the interviewees
  • Relations to something the user may be familiar with
  • Genre: Technical Report (Academic Journal)
Further Adaptation

  • Alright, here it is, the second iteration of my podcast series on writing in the Computer Engineering field
  • If you have not seen my first podcast, you should turn back now, I shall be here waiting.
  • To start this off we turn to Dr. Hal Tharp from the University of Arizona’s Electrical and Computer0 Engineering Department to ask: what is the most common type of writing genre is in the computer engineering field. *Play audio of Dr. Hal Tharp*

  • So there you have it, the technical journal or technical report
  • This type of writing is so common that you will probably know about it as soon as I mention these four words:
    • Abstract
    • Introduction
    • Results
    • Conclusion
  • Sounds familiar right? Sounds like your average physics lab report eh?

Production Report

First off, my sincere apologies for I did not due these blog post on time. I began to really lose focus the week before break and left town on Friday, so I did not get a chance to do these blogs over the weekend. Over spring break I entered a time loop. Next thing I remember, it was already Sunday and I had failed you sir. Hopefully I made receive some credit for this, but I fully accept my mistakes and will accept the consequences if they are administered.

Now time to get back in the saddle. This post is about my current progress and situation with project 2.

Audience Questions
1. How did you decide to use the form to present your content in the raw material you've shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

 I decided one the form in a three part podcast segment. I feel like that would make it easier for my listeners to stay up to date, plus its a good way to not have them just stuck listening to one long podcast for 15 minutes. The first podcast is just an intro that talks about what I am doing.This is the one segment I choose to talk about because I feel like it is one of the most important. ou either make it or break it with your intro.
2. How did the production of this this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

I think it went fine with the exception of spring break. It really threw of my game and I lost major focus throughout it. I ended up procrastinating which might end up costing me a few points on my final grade. I now have to work twice as hard this week to make up for lost time. As far as this specific piece of material, I thought that it all came rather naturally and was rather easy to produce

Author Response 

Outline Introduction
  • Opening ideas
    • “If you do not really like to write and if you are an ECE major, you have come to the right podcast!” Heck, if you are like me you expect engineering to be more math and less writing, but the sad reality is, you CANNOT escape writing”
    • “If it involves electricity, well then an electrical engineer was possibly behind it. Electrical Engineers in today’s society assist in making it spin, but just like any other field, they have to get their ideas out somehow. To do this, they turn, well to writing
  • I am investigating genres how professionals in my field author and create text
  • This matter because eventually, we will all have to write.

Further Adaptation into a Script

  • Good moorning ..or evening or midday depending on your current position!
  • My name is rigoberto avila and I am a student at the University of Arizona in the sunny city of tucson!
  • If you are not really into writing and are a Computer Engineering major, you have come to the right place!” If you are not an Computer Engineering major, you should still stick around! You might learn a thing or two!

  • If you are like me, you expect engineering to be more math and science and less writing, but the sad reality is, you CANNOT escape writing”
  • But never fear, I am here to help with this 3 part podcast segment!
  • So at this point you may be wondering, what I am trying to do? Why is writing important? Why should I listen to this guy? What is a Computer Engineering major?
  • Luckily for you, I intend to answer these question with this first podcast
And here is the Main attraction itself!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Reflection on Project 2 Podcast

I'm going full throttle into this project! For some reason I feel like I am more prepared for this project than I was for the last project. In this mist of all the pre-production chaos, it seems that now is a good time to take inventory and reflect.

1. What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week's process work? Explain, with evidence.
I think that one major success this week was finally getting some direction for what I have to do for this project. Prior to doing the outline, I did not really know how I was going to report the results of my rhetorical investigation. Now I know that I should report on at least two genres and analysis their rhetorical situations and possibly strategies. In addition to this, I now know that I should not really focus on my interviewees.

2.  What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week's process work? Explain, with evidence.
 I think that one thing that went wrong was that now I feel like I did not really ask the right questions in my interview and that I can not really use too much of the information from them. I asked more questions one their writing habits than anything. Another challenge is that I am not pleased with the structure of my project. I feel like it is still to interviewee intensive. I think that I am going to be changing it a lot through the week.

3. How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?
 I think that next week will be somewhat easier because I won't be struggling to much with the format. It will just be more review than anything so it should not be to bad unless there are global flaws with my podcasts.

4.  How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?
I feel better about this one in comparison with the first one. However, I still feel like I am somewhat behind and a bit pressed for time. I was sick over the weekend and did not do much so now I have to catch up with the assignments as well as work on this project.

Production Schedule

Normally I make list to get my stuff done on time so this really is not to much different. I have already been pushing my time management to the limit so a little bit extra should not hurt!

What is to be done
  • Install a good audio editing software
  • Figure out how to use the audio software
  • Listen to my interviews again and take note of any information I can use
  • Adjust my outline if needed
  • Do more research if needed
  • Develop a script of sorts for what I am going to say in my podcast
  • Start working on my introduction (Use this to get comfortable with the software)
  • Begin recording
  • Build what essentially is a first draft of my podcast
  • Finalize it through editing
  • Publish the rough cut!
Timeline of How and Where I'll Get It Done 
  • March 8, 2016 - working until midnight and possibly later in my dorm. My laptop is all I need
    • Finalize the work that is due at midnight
    • Track down a good audio editor for windows
    • Listen to my interviews again and take note of anything else I can use
    • Adjust my outline if needed
  • March 9, 2016 - working from 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. Ill alternate between the library and my dorm. Laptop is all I need. 
    • Do my physics homework and ECE homework. This should take me until 9 p.m.
    • Do more research an again adjust my outline
    • Develop a script
    • call it quits
  •  March 10, 2016 - working from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. All the work is in my dorm and a study room. I will need my laptop and possibly my Bluetooth headset.
    • Start working on my introduction
    • Begin recording 
    • Start working on my rough draft by converting my first main section to a podcast
    • If I can, try to convert the second section of your outline as well to podcast
  •  March 11, 2016 - working when I can. I am going to be driving around and I will work on it whenever possible. I will need my laptop and a quiet place to record.
    • Finish my rough draft by converting the third section and conclusion into a podcast
  • March 12, 2016 - I'll basically be in the same circumstances as the day before
    •  Catch up just in case I fall behind (Which should not happen!)
    • Review
    • Review it some more
    • Are you done reviewing?
      • no, continue reviewing
      • yes, well then review
  • March 13, 2016 - I should be a bit more stabilized on Sunday. I will try to work in the morning from when I wake up to like 2 a.m.
    • Continue Reviewing
    • Are you satisfied?
      • no, then keep working
      • yes, keep working anyways
    • Publish the rough cut on Blogger

Content Outline

Organization is the critical to pretty much anything. Organization can be the difference between utter hopelessness or an overwhelming success. So for Project 2, I need to ask myself, how am I going t organize this? I need to answer this question before I start recording and reporting my results.

For the sake of organization I have created an outline. It is rough and not too in depth, but it does its job in helping me organize my project. The outline is right here!