Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Production Schedule

Normally I make list to get my stuff done on time so this really is not to much different. I have already been pushing my time management to the limit so a little bit extra should not hurt!

What is to be done
  • Install a good audio editing software
  • Figure out how to use the audio software
  • Listen to my interviews again and take note of any information I can use
  • Adjust my outline if needed
  • Do more research if needed
  • Develop a script of sorts for what I am going to say in my podcast
  • Start working on my introduction (Use this to get comfortable with the software)
  • Begin recording
  • Build what essentially is a first draft of my podcast
  • Finalize it through editing
  • Publish the rough cut!
Timeline of How and Where I'll Get It Done 
  • March 8, 2016 - working until midnight and possibly later in my dorm. My laptop is all I need
    • Finalize the work that is due at midnight
    • Track down a good audio editor for windows
    • Listen to my interviews again and take note of anything else I can use
    • Adjust my outline if needed
  • March 9, 2016 - working from 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. Ill alternate between the library and my dorm. Laptop is all I need. 
    • Do my physics homework and ECE homework. This should take me until 9 p.m.
    • Do more research an again adjust my outline
    • Develop a script
    • call it quits
  •  March 10, 2016 - working from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. All the work is in my dorm and a study room. I will need my laptop and possibly my Bluetooth headset.
    • Start working on my introduction
    • Begin recording 
    • Start working on my rough draft by converting my first main section to a podcast
    • If I can, try to convert the second section of your outline as well to podcast
  •  March 11, 2016 - working when I can. I am going to be driving around and I will work on it whenever possible. I will need my laptop and a quiet place to record.
    • Finish my rough draft by converting the third section and conclusion into a podcast
  • March 12, 2016 - I'll basically be in the same circumstances as the day before
    •  Catch up just in case I fall behind (Which should not happen!)
    • Review
    • Review it some more
    • Are you done reviewing?
      • no, continue reviewing
      • yes, well then review
  • March 13, 2016 - I should be a bit more stabilized on Sunday. I will try to work in the morning from when I wake up to like 2 a.m.
    • Continue Reviewing
    • Are you satisfied?
      • no, then keep working
      • yes, keep working anyways
    • Publish the rough cut on Blogger

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