Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Production Report

First off, my sincere apologies for I did not due these blog post on time. I began to really lose focus the week before break and left town on Friday, so I did not get a chance to do these blogs over the weekend. Over spring break I entered a time loop. Next thing I remember, it was already Sunday and I had failed you sir. Hopefully I made receive some credit for this, but I fully accept my mistakes and will accept the consequences if they are administered.

Now time to get back in the saddle. This post is about my current progress and situation with project 2.

Audience Questions
1. How did you decide to use the form to present your content in the raw material you've shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

 I decided one the form in a three part podcast segment. I feel like that would make it easier for my listeners to stay up to date, plus its a good way to not have them just stuck listening to one long podcast for 15 minutes. The first podcast is just an intro that talks about what I am doing.This is the one segment I choose to talk about because I feel like it is one of the most important. ou either make it or break it with your intro.
2. How did the production of this this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

I think it went fine with the exception of spring break. It really threw of my game and I lost major focus throughout it. I ended up procrastinating which might end up costing me a few points on my final grade. I now have to work twice as hard this week to make up for lost time. As far as this specific piece of material, I thought that it all came rather naturally and was rather easy to produce

Author Response 

Outline Introduction
  • Opening ideas
    • “If you do not really like to write and if you are an ECE major, you have come to the right podcast!” Heck, if you are like me you expect engineering to be more math and less writing, but the sad reality is, you CANNOT escape writing”
    • “If it involves electricity, well then an electrical engineer was possibly behind it. Electrical Engineers in today’s society assist in making it spin, but just like any other field, they have to get their ideas out somehow. To do this, they turn, well to writing
  • I am investigating genres how professionals in my field author and create text
  • This matter because eventually, we will all have to write.

Further Adaptation into a Script

  • Good moorning ..or evening or midday depending on your current position!
  • My name is rigoberto avila and I am a student at the University of Arizona in the sunny city of tucson!
  • If you are not really into writing and are a Computer Engineering major, you have come to the right place!” If you are not an Computer Engineering major, you should still stick around! You might learn a thing or two!

  • If you are like me, you expect engineering to be more math and science and less writing, but the sad reality is, you CANNOT escape writing”
  • But never fear, I am here to help with this 3 part podcast segment!
  • So at this point you may be wondering, what I am trying to do? Why is writing important? Why should I listen to this guy? What is a Computer Engineering major?
  • Luckily for you, I intend to answer these question with this first podcast
And here is the Main attraction itself!

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