Friday, May 6, 2016

Peer review for Gaby Mart

109H or well 109Hell, which is what the I titled my english folder, is almost over. With it, we conduct the last rounds of peer reviews

Name: Gaby Mart
Title: Rough Cut
Activity: Form Recommendation

Explanation: In this activity I have to look at the rough cuts of my peers an make sure that they produced something that fits the "mold" of a video essay. 

How I helped: I think that I helped by telling Gaby some things she can add to make this video essay better fit the mold. I told her that it would be beneficial to add an introductory slide or animation to help with starting the video. 

Furthermore, I suggested that she add in transitions so the video feed does not seem too jagged. The use of some filler and some slight animations might also help her improve the overall effectiveness.

What I admired: I think one of the things that I admired was that the whole thing felt unscripted and natural. Even though it felt unscripted it also flowed smoothly from idea to idea

Link: Open Post to Peer Reviewer

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