Sunday, April 17, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

What are you anticipating the post-production process to be like, based on what you accomplished during the production phase?

Well if I have my argument nailed down with minimal gaps, it should just include adding small pieces to finish it off. Maybe just adding captions and references. I just hope I don't find a major flaw with my argument down the road.

Key Information: For the most part, what you see in the video will be what I turn in so do not be scared to be harsh on what I have written in my script and produced in my video. 

The only issues should be that I will have is the lack of captions, citations, and maybe a weak conclusion. The video is also currently segmented, but that is because I need to go get another Mac to use iMovie and piece it together.

Major issues: I think the major issue is that the small gaps might amplify throughout the video. Also my conclusion might not tie up things as neatly as I would like it too. I think that I have a lot of sources to back up my argument, but I may not be able to effectively use it with a weak conclusion.

Major Strengths: I have many sources to support my argument. This video also feels like many of the documentaries I have seen online about the topic I am arguing about

Script for Project 3

Video Segments for Project 3

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rigo! I really enjoyed watching your Rough Cut of your Project 3. It's coming along really nicely so far! Here's a few things that I noticed:

    →The audio difference between your narration, your background, and your clips is sometimes so great that it becomes distracting. If you can, try leveling out the audio throughout your video and make it easier to hear.

    → Although you do have one impressive source that you mentioned (the Pentagon itself, woah!), there were a lot of other places within your videos where I would have liked to seen the sources, like your official-looking video clips and the list of costs of other airplanes. In addition, a wider variety of sources would add a more public flavor to your controversy. Have you tried political/military news reports from The Guardian, Time, New York Times, etc.?

    → Also, personally, I know literally NOTHING about military airplanes, so I felt devoid of a lot of information at the beginning that could perhaps help me understand why building this aircraft is controversial. You listed a lot of airplanes, but it all went over my head..

    →Speaking of controversial, I did not get a feel for what your stance was. Honestly, I felt like I watched an informational video instead of a public argument. I can FEEL that there's a controversy, but besides the money, why is it such a big deal? Even its inability to dog fight just seems like a change rather than something to worry about. Be a little bolder in what you believe in!

    I hope you find my peer review helpful! Keep up the great work!!
