Sunday, April 3, 2016

Rhetorical Analysis of Project 3

For this argument, I will be discussing the F/A-35. It is fast, it is stealthy, it can hover, it can break the bank???

Audience Question: How thoroughly do you understand Project 3? How well prepared are you for what's coming next in the course?
If what we have to do is complain or find something that someone is complaining about about, then I do understand this project pretty well. I think that the freshman problems activity really helped out in this sense.

I think that I am well prepared, with the exception that I really have to push my time management to the limit since I have various other projects due for other classes around the same time that this is due. However, I do know what I have to do, how I am going to do it, and I have the necessary skills to go about it.

1. How will you draw on any or some of the following for project 3? 
Well first off, I have always been into airplanes and currently want to be a Computer Engineer for some major aerospace company such as Lockheed, Boeing, or Honeywell. The F/A-35 is a product of Lockheed Martin.

Since I usually look up information on these topics, my recommended feeds on google or social media are things relating to latest developments in jets, stealth technology, etc.

 2. What are the preconceptions, previously held opinions and/ or potential areas for personal bias that you should be aware of for Project 3? 
Well I think that one of my biases lies in the fact that the F/A-35 is set to replace one of my favorite military planes of all time; the Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II Warthog. I personally think this is one of the best war planes out there.

It is effective, durable, and it gets the job done. I love the highly distinctive noise that its engine makes when it flies by.  The fact that one of the largest squadrons of A-10s is stationed at Davis Monthan Air Force Base does not help the bias that I have towards them.

1. How are you thinking about your audience for this project? Who are you going to make this for? Describe them. 
I think that my audience will range from anyone that is upset with how the government spends money to engineers that are analyzing and fixing the F/A-35's many current issues to possibly pilots that have flown other aircraft in the past that believe that there is no need for the F/A-35

2. What beliefs and assumptions might this audience already hold? What position are they likely to take on this issue? How will you respond to that position?
The main belief among these individuals is that the U.S. is spending to much money on a project that should have been scrapped long ago. In addition to this, they believe that there is no need for an aircraft this advanced when the U.S. already has the most advanced air fleet in the world.

I think that I will agree with them on the part that it is costing to much, but I will also say that it is a good investment. I that one of the basis of my arguments will be the military saying that states that countries always prepare to fight the last war. From there, I will build on all the futuristic capabilities of this plane.

3. How might they react to your argument?
I think that a possible reaction will be that there are other more cost effective ways to prepare the military for any further wars.

4. How are you going to relate to or connect with your audience? Are there any specific words, ideas or ways of arguing that will help you relate to them in this way?
I think that I am going to use my bias to the A-10 to relate to them. I would really, really hate to see this plane retired, and I am a huge fans of its capabilities. That being said, the fact that I am for its replacement with the F/A-35 should mean a lot. Plus

5. Think of one specific person or a set of people you know personally or professionally who fall within the definition of 'target audience' you're using for project 3. What could you tell them or say to them in order to convince them of your perspective? What would need to happen for them to agree with you? 
I think a specific audience I would 'know' professionally are other engineers. I could tell them that progress is being made in fixing the issues with the F/A-35.  I think that they would need to see the F/A-35 in action and actually proving itself.

1. What do you want to accomplish with Project 3? What affect do you want it to have on your intended audience? 
My desired affect would be to have them see the F/A-35 as a practical fighter of the 21st century. After all, there was a lot of opposition with the A-10 back in the 70s.

2. Once you've done all your research and figured out what you think about the controversy you've chosen, what still needs to be accomplished?
I need to look up more information other sources of controversies and possible develop addition rebuttals to them or develop a rebuttal that fits most of them.

What are the particular circumstances surrounding this assignment?
Well first off, it is an ongoing event. The costs are still rising, the jet is still being developed, and it is still being produced. This is an issue on a national level. The stakes are really high since this project is already the most expensive military project in the world.
What Genre?
1. What course genre will you be writing in for Project 3?
The genre that I have chosen to write in is the video essay.  I think that it will be the best fit and have the best impact for an argument.

2. What kinds of audience expectations come with this genre, generally?
Visuals and video clips is one of them. Another one is onscreen narration, transitions and possible some music. The audience also expects to be somewhat entertained or at least the video has to grab their attention within the initial moments so that they stick around.

 3. What is your history working in the genre you have selected for Project 3?
I have done some videos before, but most them have been short and crudely made on windows movie maker. 

4. Describe your comfort level and general feelings about the genre. How will they affect your work on Project 3?
I feel like I have no real experience in this genre, but I am going to use that as motivation to improve on them and hopefully get a nice video essay out of it.

5. What are the two most effective conventions in this genre in your opinion? Why?
 I think that the two most important conventions are tone of voice and visuals. Both are important in getting the audiences attention and keeping them for the duration of the video because if they leave in the first minute, you have no impact what so ever.

1. Are there any historical events that might impact how your audience perceives your argument or the kind of background information or evidence you need to include?
I think the important historical information will pertain to backing up the point that people always prepare to fight for the last war. I will also use costs of other military projects to show just how high the cost for the F/A-35 is. Furthermore, I will use examples of other military projects that were nearly rejected, but turned out to be extremely valuable assets.

2. Who else is talking about this topic? 
 Politicians, military officials, and other groups are talking about this. There is even a dedicated website dedicated to the projects cancellation.

3. What are the three or four major counter-arguments you'll have to respond to, based upon what people are saying in the press/media? Be specific and cite your sources.
  1. It is too expensive!
  2.  One engine means no redundancy
  3. All the reliance on the computer means too many glitches
  4. An older F-16 beat it in a dog fight


1 comment:

  1. Hey Rigo!

    You seem to have a pretty good understanding of Project 3's Rhetorical Analysis. I'm surprised by how detailed you are and how much you know about not only this specific aircraft, but about other ones. I think that's really gonna help in building your argument up. On another note, I think it's be a good idea to compare some of the past developments of aircraft to airplanes to this one and show how new inventions can really benefit the U.S. as a country as well as its citizens safety and economy. Explaining how amazing this new aircraft is would really convince me, after all, nothing worth investing in is ever cheap.
