Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review for Eren Arbac

And another one! hopefully this one is helpful too

Name: Eren Arbac
Title: The Reasons as to Why Qatar Hosting the World Cup is Wrong
Activity: Redesign Recommendation

Explanation: In this activity I have to look at the "Fine Cut" and suggest how genre conventions can be used or altered to improve the video

How I helped: Finding errors in Eren's video was hard. It came out really good. I helped out by pointing out that the intro music was a bit too loud and that it overpowered his voice. Another thing was that his way of placing citations doesn't fit too well with the genre. I feel like they should be rolling credits.

What I admired: I really admired the new cast feel of it. It was easy to follow and looked really professional. It also made him seem really creditable.

Link: The Reasons as to why Qatar Hosting the World Cup is Wrong

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