Sunday, April 3, 2016

Research Report

 There is a large amount of articles available on this topic. I had no issues to finding more information on the F-35 controversy.

Audience Question: How is the research report process going? Have you found a wide variety of sources?
The research process is going fine. I have been able to find a bunch of information on the controversy and public opinion surrounding the development of the F-35. There is a bunch of videos and officials speaking for and against the F-35.

List of Sources 
Source 1: Test Pilot Admits the F-35 Can't Dogfight

Author: David Axe
Reliability Sources: David Axe has a variety of articles on other controversies surrounding the military. He is a military corespondent that has been doing this since 2006
Audience: The website this article is one is a type of social media but for professionals, so that is the primary audience.
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to talk about how the F-35 cannot dogfight which is critical to combat when two planes get close to each other.
Details: The jet lacks the ability to perform complex maneuvers to hit an enemy plane or dodge the enemy's gunfire. An F-16, while being weighed down by external fuel tanks was still able to outmaneuver the F-35

Source 2: The F-35 Fighter Jet: The Cost and Controversy
Author: Neal Conan
Reliability Sources: He has regularly been recording for NPR for a variety of years. He also has experience in talking about issues relating to the military. In 1991 during the Gulf War, he was detained by the Iraqi Republican Guard
Audience: The audience is typically of an older generation, many of whom are already professionals in a some field. NPR is not to big with younger audience.
Purpose: To talk about the rising costs and issues with the program
Details: The F-35 is years behind schedule and many billions over budget. However, it is safer to implement new fighters instead of maintaining older aircraft that are on average, 30 years old.

Source 3: The Marines say the controversial F-35 fighter is now ready for combat.
Author: Cristian Davenport
Reliability Sources: Many of his articles involve aerospace stories. He has been on the post since 2000.
Audience: The audience I think is anyone that uses the Washington Post. According to the Washington Post, many of the users are high earning consumers, educated citizens, and business-decision makers
Purpose: The purpose of the article is to show that the F-35 is going to be used in combat.
Details: The F-35 is being used in combat first by the U.S. Marines, however, it is still in development and is not suppose to go into full production until 2019.

Source 4: Can the F-35 Beat the F-16 After all?
Author: Franz-Stefan Gady
Reliability Sources: Gady writes about civil-military relations, revolutions in military affairs, and cyber diplomacy
Audience: The audience for this is typical people just graduating college to about 35 years of age.
Purpose: The purpose of this is to show why the F-35 lost to an older F-16
Details: TheF-35 did lose, but most people are missing the point to why it did. The F-35 was missing many its key physical and software components.

Source 5: F-35 - Runaway Fighter - the Fifth Estate
Author: The CBC News
Reliability Sources: This is a credible news outlet from Canada that according to its website, values credibility most
Audience: The Canadian public
Purpose: Talks about the Canadian purchase of the F-35 and the controversy that surrounds
Details: Canadian officials claim it is the best jet available, but many critics say it will be a "turket hatched from a bad idea."

Source 6: Pentagon: Here are all the problems with the F-35
Author: Jeremy Bender
Reliability Sources: Various other articles on military projects such as jet propulsion and aircraft carriers
Audience: Mostly people interested in the financial aspects of corporations and the government
Purpose: To list the main issues with the F-35
Details: The F-35 continues to add more problems to a growing list of costly mistakes

Source 7: The F-35 is a bad deal
Author: Mary Zerkel
Reliability Sources: Has been working towards demilitarization of U.S. Foreign and Domestic policy. Created this website to stop the F-35
Audience: People who are against the F-35
Purpose: To stop the development of he F-35
Details: Has many sources that deal with issues of the F-35. Also has pros and cons from many congress members on the F-35.

Source 8: Ten Signs the F-35 Fighter Program is Becoming a Smashing Success
Author: Loren Thompson
Reliability Sources: Writes about national Security from a business dimension
Audience: Readers of Forbes news and people interested in business
Purpose: To show the current evolution of the F35 program
Details: The F-35 program is starting to make a turn around despite many set backs

Source 9: Is the F-35 Worth it?
Author: David Martin
Reliability Sources: Often reports on 60 Minutes and is currently CBS's National Security Correspondent
Audience: The general American Public
Purpose: An interview to discuss the F-35
Details: This comprises of various conversations with U.S. military pilots saying why the F-35 is critical to the future defense of the U.S.

Source 10: F-35 Documentary: Runaway Plane
Author: The New York Times
Reliability Sources: The New York Times has a long history of publishing many articles on a wide array of topics
Audience: Various individuals that range from the average U.S. citizens to politicians
Purpose: To provide a history, current status and both sides to the controversy of the F-35
Details: A documentary of the Swiss Army Knife of the U.S. military. It gives both sides of the F-35 argument.

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