Sunday, April 17, 2016

Editorial Report 2

In this section, I allowed more pauses and more specific content to better get my point across to my viewers.

Selection from Rough Cut

  • The F-35 is the U.S. military’s latest fighter jet
    • Clips of it flying from youtube
  • Fifth generation fighter
    • Actual Definition goes here
  • One plane that is suppose to replace the F-16, the A-10, the Harrier, and the F/A-18
    • Photos of planes F-35 is replacing
  • It uses a vast array of integrated systems to assess, defend, and attack.
  • The pilot’s helmets essentially gives him a 360 degree view around the plane
    • Pilot’s Helmet View
  • The Marine variant can hover, make a short takeoff, and land vertically.
    • Footage of plane hovering
  • The naval version is designed for use on an aircraft carrier
    • Footage of it taking off from a carrier
  • The Air Force version has a 20 mm machine gun.

Selection from Re-edited Selections
the F35 is the U.S. military’s latest multi-role 5-th generation stealth fighter that is set to ensure the United States and Allies Air capabilities for the battlefield of the future.
//Clip of a walk around an F35

And futuristic this plane is… This plane is fast,
//F35 flying

its stealthy
//Lockheed’s stealth tech or its invisibility on the radar

it can hover,
// hover landing

it carries a deadly precise weapons payload
// weapons payload

And its advanced technically ensures its place among the fifth generation fighters of tomorrow

//overview of the F35 targeting helmet

This jet is set to replace F-16, the F/A-18, the AV-8B and the A-10 Warthog. All of which are more than 30 years old

SO I guess you can see why this plane has such a high price tag
But at a staggering 400 billion, this project is also the most expensive military project in history.

//view of top ten list of the most expensive military projects in history

1. How did the content change when you re-edit it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?

 The content changed in that I did not go into specifics here about the 3 different versions of the F-35. The jet is pretty much the same and if I go into saying how it is different, I am going to contradict myself. Nonetheless, I do address these differences in a latter part of my argument.

2. How did the form change when re-edit? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?

The edited version sort of pushes the F-35 and all its features in something that is visually appealing. Also, I switched to using more video clips than still images. The sort pauses in between that I have added also makes it easier for the statement that I said to sink in. 

1 comment:

  1. Rigo,

    First of all, I really like your topic! I am pretty passionate about this topic as I will be joining the Navy as an officer upon graduation and have said numerous times the plane is much too expensive for its actual capabilities, but that is besides the point. I really like the argument you are pushing so far. You seem to have a pretty firm grasp of the topic and exactly the argument you are making, while still giving credibility to the argument that the plane is worth the price tag. I think you should definitely include the details that there will be different versions for each branch, because that is something that definitely factors into the price and the argument that the plane is a good idea. Just be careful about getting too technical, because your average viewer probably won't really understand what an aircraft carrier really is honestly. Overall, good job so far!

    Cynthia Morton
