Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review for Coby Allred

Let's help yet another peer in their project!

Name: Coby Allred
Title: Anwar al-Awlaki: Was his death justified?
Activity: Copy-editing Suggestion

Explanation: In this activity I have to look at the "Fine Cut" and suggest how language, design elements, and credible sources can be used more effectively in the project

How I helped: I told Coby that he should explicitly state his stance on the topic at hand in the introduction. He somewhat hints at it in the introduction, but does not fully state it until the conclusion. I think that it will help out in guiding the audience better through the video and the evidence he used. 

I also suggested that he do in-video citations and then have end credits with the rest of the picture citations and so on. 

What I admired: I really liked the clarity of his voice in the topic. He also seemed very knowledgeable and was able to pronounce a lot of the foreign names with ease. Makes want to go redo some of the sections in my video essay where I may have stuttered. 

Link: Anwar al-Awlaki: Was his death justified?

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