Sunday, April 10, 2016

Production Report 1

For this production report, I have decide to talk about the first thing going on in my video: the introduction.

1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you've shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices? 

Since I will be doing a video essay, I decided to have a lot of clips from other videos and then over lay my voice. I believe that this set up will create a video that is both informative and entertaining to watch.

2. How did the production of this raw material go? What kind of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

The production of this raw material went great in that I was able to pick up iMovie rather quickly. I think the only hiccup here is that I do not know how to save the project files in case that I need to make changes. I think the fact that I am renting a MacBook from the library might cause some issues down the road with availability.

Outline Item:

  • Option 1: The F-35 is fast, its stealthy, it hovers. It can do some amazing things which is something you expect from a 5th generation stealth fighter. But it also breaks the bank??
    • F-35 Flying
  • Option 2: Putting a man on the moon cost about $170 billion dollars when adjusted to today’s dollars. But getting the military’s next generation fighter jet, the F-35, off the ground is proving to be an even bigger hassle. How big? Try 400 billion dollars...
  • Rising costs and issues
    • Footage from from a reporter talking about its costs
  • Need to decide on a side of the issue: Going to propose a solution


1 comment:

  1. Hey Rigo!
    Your intro looks aweomse! It kinda makes me excited to make my video essay too. I think maybe at the bginning you should try including some sort of titlr or words that give the wather an idea of what theyre watching. I think you knowwhat youre doing htough so, good luck on the rest!
