Sunday, April 10, 2016

Peer Review for Elizabeth Hernandez

Here we go with another session of peer review! Hopefully I can give some useful feed back

Name: Elizabeth Hernadez
Title: Project 3 Content Outline
Activity: Outlining Suggestion

Explanation: For this activity, we have to look at the level of detail in the outline and how it satisfies the rhetorical situation.

How I helped: I told Elizabeth that she should consider using more sources to back up her counterarguments. She can also use more rhetorical strategies to boost her credibility and further deepen her impact on her audience.

What I admired: I admired the idea-counterargument set up. This is a great format for the public argument and is something that would be easy to implement in a podcast. It also keeps it dynamic and entertaining to listen to.

Link: Project 3 Content Outline

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