Sunday, April 24, 2016

Revised Post to Peer Reviewers

A lot of work and long nights went into this one. Hopefully it pleases the English Gods. The link for the fine cut is at the bottom in case you guys just want to skip down.

What are you anticipating the post-production process to be like, based on what you accomplished during the production phase?

For the most part, my video is done. I just need to maybe clean it up a bit and do minor edits to it here and there. Since my video is almost done, I think that the post-production process should not be stressful and rather simple. It is going to just be local revisions and I might just re-record some of my sections where you can clearly tell that I am reading from a script.
 I have slowly been working my way up to an A on these project so hopefully this one is the one that finally does it! lots of long nights went into this one and I hope it was enough!

Key information:
I just want you guys to peer review this as hard as possible. I put quite a bit of effort into this, but I may have missed somethings. Plus, I am not to good with video editing, but again, I have given it my all so enjoy!

Major issues:
I think that my biggest issue is that it might be a bit too technical. I tried to explain some of the concepts, but I probably missed some of them. I think that other main weakness is that my video editing skills are not the best. The video might seem a bit rough since I am really still learning how to use iMovie (and well a MacBook :p)

Major Strengths:
Well for starters, it is finished. I think it's main strength is that I have a pretty good argument set up that hopefully does not have holes in it. I also think that the format I choose suits the video well, as well as makes it easy to follow. 

Here is the link to the FINE CUT of my project


  1. Hello!!

    You mentioned that you were worried that it was to technical, but I don't think it was. All the technical information you talked about was necessary to understanding your argument (at least for someone like me, who barely knows anything about military aircraft).

    I think your counter argument at the end is pretty good, especially with the facts that planes are built from their predecessors. One thing you didn't quite touch on is why the united states is so hell-bent to continue on this aircraft (besides the fact the F-35 is fantastic on paper).

    My copy editing suggestion is to clean up your counterargument/closing. All the content in it is great, but I think it is a little repetitive. Also, I think you should take out the part where your friend points at the wingspan of the F-35 on the whiteboard. That part distracted me and made me crack up...which probably wasn't the desired reaction :)

    Erica Mohr

  2. Hi! I had no idea what I was clicking on when I went to your video, but I actually love fighter jets so I enjoyed watching. I just had a couple tips on the conventions of the video. As you mentioned, the video quality is a little below the mark (still probably better than what mine will be for the next project). I think the biggest distracter for me was that the voice audio sounded a little bit echo-y, and it wasn't super clear all the time. For other viewers, it might take away from the element of the video. But rather than that, great job!
