Sunday, April 10, 2016

Production Report 2

For this second production report, I will be talking about the problem or what I am going to be arguing against. The argument is that many people believe that the F-35 project should be shut down

1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you've shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices? 

For this section I will be providing the basis of the other side of the argument. This section will provide the evidence of why the F-35 should be shut down. This well be important as I will be addressing these issues with evidence based counter-arguments.

2. How did the production of this raw material go? What kind of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

I am having issues with creating a rolling list of the issues presented by the Department of Defense that the F-35 has. I plan on placing this in the video, but I do not just want to do screen shots.

Outline Item:

  • It sounds like an incredible plane but it’s has a cost that is about as sky high as this jet can fly (Some aerial footage from quadrotor here maybe??)

    • To put this into perspective, it cost 26 billion (adjusted for inflation to create the atomic bomb) and half of that to put a man on the moon
      • Atomic bomb going off footage
    • Throughout its life-time, the project will incur over a trillion dollars
    • It has been plagued with issues and its rushed development have not helped the cause
      • Summary: This plane has a huge list of issues that need to be addressed before it is ready for combat. The longer it is delayed, the more it will cost
      • This is important because many people use the issues with the plane as a central argument.


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